Forbes ranks Pakistan amongst 
'10 coolest places to visit in 2019'

In a rather pleasantly surprising turn of events, Forbes magazine has included Pakistan in a recently-released list of ’10 coolest places to go to in 2019.’ Isn’t that wonderful news?
“Explore the valleys of Hunza, Shigar and Khaplu via the renowned Karakoram Highway,” Sara Barbieri, a specialist working with luxury travel website GeoEx, suggests in the article.
“This little-visited region in the far northeast of the country offers the kind of startlingly striking scenery that compels you to gaze from the window without blinking, for fear of missing a moment of the majesty of the landscape — or one of the astounding suspension bridges that cross the surging rivers filled with snow melt,” she further writes. “Add to this the warm welcome of the people, the glacial blue of Attabad Lake, the centuries of history, the juxtaposition of granite to greenery, the chance to walk through an age old-apricot orchard along water channels cut by hand, and the blazing snow-covered glory of Rakaposhi and you must acknowledge there is a grand adventure to be had

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